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Biodegradable straws, businesstobusiness, cleaning stainless steel straws, make the change, plastic straws, reusable straws, reusenotreplace, single use plastic alternatives -

Part two of the worlds biggest unanswered question - Why Straws Man? 

Of course, coming into this industry even into the hospitality industry as not an expert in either field, not a master chef nor do I fly my cult flag every time I go to a march. I am just a person looking into an industry that could by a change implemented over night make an impact, a 500 million kind of impact.

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make the change, plastic straws, reusable straws, reusenotreplace, single use plastic alternatives -

A fun 5 min read on a question I get asked a lot. Why Straws? Why Reusable Straws? Why Do it Champ? - Hint it is one of the easiest things in your life to swap out and has such a big impact. So read this for your more than normal kiwi girl living in Aussie who made the swap :)

If I can you can! 

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